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East Carolina School of Medicine forces staff and students to take a"reproductive justice" class

East Carolina School of Medicine is forcing employees and students to take radical "reproductive justice and Transgender liberation" lessons that claim limiting abortions "serves to further a white supremacist agenda," and promotes LGBTQ curriculum in public schools.

  • Social justice lessons are mandatory for staff at ECU's pediatric and internal medicine clinic

  • Lessons say society's "marriage imperative" works against black women and discriminates against LGBT people.

  • The lessons promote comprehensive sex education for K-12 and government-funded abortion on demand for black women.

ECU Health Dr. Colby Dendy

ECU's new "gender" clinic for kids 4 and up is led by Associate Director for Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Dr. Colby Dendy. Dendy is also a Diversity Equity and Inclusiveness (DEI) trainer at the school, teaching lessons about the Christian Right's agenda to oppress black women by opposing abortion.

In the course, participants learn that the most visceral struggle for low-income black women is "reproductive autonomy," which revolves around government-paid abortions and free over-the-counter birth control pills. From the learning material:

"Women of color understand how policies controlling welfare, access to contraceptives and other family planning services, abortion access, the war on drugs and the criminalization of women of color who use drugs, largely Black women, serve to further a white supremacist agenda that is still very much intent upon controlling the childbearing of Black women and other women of color."

Black women can only "achieve social, political, and economic parity with whites, and full human rights" after being guaranteed unfettered access to free abortions.

Paradoxically, a section in the training says participants should "challenge eugenic agendas prescribing who is ‘fit’ and ‘unfit’ to reproduce or be reproduced."

Do the doctors leading this training at ECU know anything about eugenics? In North Carolina, almost 7,600 people were forcibly sterilized over four decades - most of them low-income black people. Although sterilization isn't abortion, the result is the same: no children are born.

Besides black women, children are also targeted by the training.

The presentation repeatedly discusses the need for "comprehensive sex education" in K-12 schools as a "right" of black girls and to further "LGBTQ Liberation." Comprehensive sex education focuses on teaching children of all grades the "identities", behaviors, and experiences of homosexuals and transgenders.

Know about the books depicting homosexual sex in school libraries across North Carolina? That's teaching "porn literacy" and it's a central part of comprehensive sex education.

Could ECU's training, led by child sterilizer Colby Dendy, be meant to create salespeople for its pediatric sex change clinic? Seems probable. ECU offers similar training that encourages K-12 teachers to openly discuss sexuality with children and to refer "questioning" children to its new child sex change clinic. The"Safe Zone" training is marketed around Eastern North Carolina.

ECU is the latest example of medical schools putting Marxist ideologies before sound education and responsible patient care.

UNC Medical School faced a firestorm after it was revealed that race, sexuality, and politics trumped merit for prospective students and faculty. UNC also requires its future doctors to treat patients using a political litmus test.

Once accepted, UNC indoctrinates future physicians in all matters of "social justice." One required textbook purportedly teaches medical students to see social determinants of health through the “intersectional studies of health disparity and inequality, disability, science and technology, sexualities, narrative in medicine, gender identity and expression, race and ethnicity, and disability.”

1 comment

1 Comment

Chuck W
Chuck W
Mar 29, 2023

Mark ECU Med. school off your list. They're educating FOR to do harm.

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